Monday, May 11, 2009

The Plantains have Spoken!

We went to the doc this morning for an ultrasound and found out we are having a girl. Joe's family in Venezuela already knew this however because the plantains (banana like fruit) were all splitting, which means whoever in the family is pregnant is having a girl. They also knew I was pregnant before I did. Talk about being in tune....

She was a little wiggle worm the entire time. I'm thinking in a few weeks when I start to feel her move more consistently it just might drive me crazy! It was amazing to be able to see her.

Here are some pics. My favorite is the little foot...

She wouldn't move her hand away from her face for the pictures. I'd say she's shy, but being a product of Joe and I, I doubt it.

Cross-legged sitting.... cute little legs and feet.


mandie said...

Congrats!! It seems to be the year of the girls....

The Danimal said...

I don't know if I trust them to read the ultrasound right if they misspell your name on the pictures! ;) jokes!

congrats honey!

Katrina said...

Kate wouldn't move her hands away from her face and we all know just how shy she is.